Ingun has released a new series of test probes for ‘flying probe’ systems such as those from Digitaltest and Acculogic’s Scorpion series. The geometry of the barrel has been especially designed for this probe so that maximum precision and contacting accuracy is achieved. A special beading design enables contacting in a grid of 0,15 mm.
The GKS 112 FP family is available with a number of tip styles and with numerous diameters and operating strokes. The probes are rated between 5 and 8 amps and demonstrate typical insertion resistance less than 20 mΩ. They are made from high-quality, gold-plated brass, steel and BeCu and are capable of operation between temperatures of 40 and 80°C.
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The system consists of a 12 V geared motor which drives a toothed segment of the drive unit’s coupling via a gear, providing a contact force of up to 1000 N and a service life of up to 500 000 load cycles.
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Test & Measurement
Recently, a major global automaker experienced significant issues caused by coolant leaking within the battery system, resulting in short circuit and a subsequent fire that destroyed the vehicle.
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Beyond precision science, the new thermometer could have wide-ranging applications in challenging environments from spacecraft to advanced manufacturing plants, where sensitive temperature readings are essential.
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Siglent’s SDG1000X Plus series function/arbitrary waveform generator offers a maximum output frequency of 60 MHz, 16-bit vertical resolution, 1 GSa/s sampling rate, and 8 Mpts arbitrary waveform length.
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TDK Corporation has announced the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand GENESYS AC and GENESYS AC PRO series of 2 kVA and 3 kVA rated programmable AC power sources.
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The PeakTech 6215 is a laboratory power supply with four separate voltage outputs, each one infinitely variable using the rotary controls on the front of the unit.
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Test & Measurement
TDK extends its Tronics portfolio with the AXO314, a high-performance digital MEMS accelerometer with ±14 g input range for industrial applications operating under shock and vibration.