This 224 page catalogue from Spectrum Control provides comprehensive technical information, application guidelines and features/benefits of the company's wide range of EMI filter products. These products include SMT filters and inductors, low-pass filters, filtered arrays, filtered connectors and Quietshield gaskets and shielding.
Residues on PCBs – Causes and remedial measures Electronic Industry Supplies
Editor's Choice Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
Soldering with wire and iron leaves process judgments up to individual operators, and can produce a wide variety of defects, scrap, or long-term quality issues.
Read more...Automated bed-of-nails tester Electronic Industry Supplies
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
The system consists of a 12 V geared motor which drives a toothed segment of the drive unit’s coupling via a gear, providing a contact force of up to 1000 N and a service life of up to 500 000 load cycles.
Read more...Compact PCB batch cleaning Electronic Industry Supplies
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
The CompaCLEAN by PBT Works is a PCB cleaning system, that utilises a traditional dishwasher style loading, provides the type of cleaning many users are familiar with.
Read more...Battery cell contacting Electronic Industry Supplies
Power Electronics / Power Management
Challenges in battery cell contacting include poor energy efficiency due to intense heat generation, high production costs due to long processing times, and short service life of components due to demanding operating conditions.
Read more...Reliable contacting of large PCBs Electronic Industry Supplies
Test & Measurement
With a usable area of 600 x 450 mm, INGUN’s test kit can not only handle larger boards but can also be customised to any testing requirement, thanks to the interchangeable kit system.
Read more...Multi-head battery contacting solutions Electronic Industry Supplies
INGUN has developed contacting solutions which boast low contact resistances, maximum reduced power losses, and stable, durable electrical connections in either single- or multi-head contacting configurations.
Read more...White residues on the assembly Electronic Industry Supplies
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
When white residues suddenly appear on assemblies for unknown reasons, the customer is often confused – and the first idea is often the same: something must be wrong with the cleaner. But this is only the cause in extremely rare cases.
Read more...Automated test jig Electronic Industry Supplies
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
The system consists of a 12 V geared motor, which drives a toothed segment of the drive unit’s coupling via a gear, providing a contact force of up to 1000 N and a service life of up to 500 000 load cycles.
Read more...Multi-channel touchscreen thermal profiler Electronic Industry Supplies
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
With 20 thermocouple inputs to enable expansive measurement precision for complex assemblies, M.O.L.E. EV20 is ideal for high-reliability, high-value PCBs used in mission-critical applications.
Read more...Testing made easy Electronic Industry Supplies
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
The system consists of a 12 V geared motor which drives a toothed segment of the drive unit’s coupling via a gear, providing a contact force of up to 1000 N and a service life of up to 500 000 load cycles.