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EMP Handbook
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Editor's Choice
Multimedia, Videos
Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI
Circuit & System Protection
Computer/Embedded Technology
Design Automation
DSP, Micros & Memory
Edge Computing & IIoT
Electronics Technology
Enclosures, Racks, Cabinets & Panel Products
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
Passive Components
Power Electronics / Power Management
Programmable Logic
Smart Home Automation
Switches, Relays & Keypads
Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT
Test & Measurement
21 July 2010
EBG — Electronics Buyers' Guide
Featured articles
TSE analyses SA electronics sector
LEDs shine at Soccer World Cup
TI supports local academia
eta Awards entries close 6 August
SA company prevents drunk driving
Electronics news digest
MIT moves to CSIR campus
Technical Literature
Fischer Connectors Core Series Catalogue
Modified and Custom Interconnects Design Guide
SIMCom Product Shortform
Test & Measurement shortform catalogue
The World of Lapp
Analogue, Mixed Signal, LSI
Class D audio amplifier
Isolated driver IC
Single-gate logic devices
Circuit & System Protection
ESD protection for high-speed interconnects
Computer/Embedded Technology
VPX and VXS: System-level development strategies - Part 2
Design Automation
PCB documentation software
PSoC 5 development kits
QNX supports new Freescale offerings
DSP, Micros & Memory
32-bit ARM microcontroller
8-bit MCUs
Enclosures, Racks, Cabinets & Panel Products
Airguide trays improve cooling inside cabinets
I/O connector withstands vibrations
Legrand launches Viking 3
Plug connectors and SMT base housing
Manufacturing / Production Technology, Hardware & Services
Dielectric for high-power LED lighting
7-segment displays
Dimmable LED controller
IR sensors with logic output
LED drivers for signage
LED lamp reference board
LED lighting panels
LEDs deliver 160 lm/W
Optimised LED lighting with small MCUs
WLED driver for HB lighting
Passive Components
High-current power inductors
Voltage divider resistors
Power Electronics / Power Management
40 W DC-DC converters
Boost regulator
Laboratory grade power supply
MOSFET half-bridge
PMIC for 3G and 4G systems
Power supply for LED lighting
Thermoharvesting kit powers wireless sensor
Programmable Logic
FPGAs in next generation wireless networks
Switches, Relays & Keypads
Micro-switch range expanded
Monitoring and sensing relays
Telecoms, Datacoms, Wireless, IoT
ADR GPS solution
Compact GPS module
FEM for WiFi and Bluetooth
I²C bus buffer
Location-aware GPS module
Narrowband RF transceiver
USB 3.0 transceiver
VCO operates from 971 to 1002 MHz
Test & Measurement
All-purpose DMM
DMM and current probe
Fluid level sensor
High-precision current transducers
Optical FA test sockets
OTDR field tester
PCB testing and diagnostic system
Power analyser
Product portfolio for USB 2.0 and 3.0 testing
Publications by Technews
Dataweek Electronics & Communications Technology
Electronics Buyers' Guide (EBG)
Hi-Tech Security Solutions
Hi-Tech Security Business Directory
Motion Control in Southern Africa
Motion Control Buyers' Guide (MCBG)
South African Instrumentation & Control
South African Instrumentation & Control Buyers' Guide (IBG)
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